2017年7月9日 星期日

Managing a sales team

Target is bullshit.

Top down targets are just a bunch of numbers. The best way to set target is to benchmark and bottom up. Benchmark – with a large enough sample size, conclusions can be drawn after a period of 3 months or so

The anxiety is enormous…

when targets are not hit. As the MD, I feel like there is nothing much I can do except to push and relay the message.

Plan for replacement when hiring.

No one thinks about firing anyone when hiring. You trust that the candidate can excel therefore you give the offer. However, worst case scenario has to be planned. What if he doesn’t perform? What would you do? How to minimize the disruption and damage in relationship if he/she are to be let go?

Don’t give the impression of being a HQ messenger

Yes we have to relay the message, but do it in a way where your team still feels your support. Yes it is not the best message to deliver, but keep a positive note.

MD presence (even on Skype) can be helpful

Show your face and how much you care for the client. Even just for 5 minutes on Skype