2020年2月25日 星期二

Battle of the Britain

 在看NetflixThe Greatest Events of World War II in Color ,第二集講Battle of the Britain,好刺激又發人深省。

1Winston Churchill 臨時上陣後第一仗大勝。當時Hilter 諗住bomb Londer bomb 到班貴族百姓投降,Churchill 頂住了。這場在1940年的勝利,build up political capital for Churchill to galvanise support for his strategies in the long lasting WWII

2.我做唔到Keith Park, Commander of Group 11. Group 11 was vital in the evacuation of BEF in Dunkirk, and the Battle of the Britain。我也許做到 Hugh Dowding, who build the air defence system and mobilise necessary resources and support for the frontline. A COO?

3“I have nothing to lose but blood, toil, tears and sweat”
“Never was so much owed by so many to so few”

Churchill在戰時的speech quotesChurchill 有可能令我愛上名人quotes。無論拋書包又好,細味當中的道理又好,要寫speech用到又好。可能係繼我愛上Biography 另一樣看上既野

4Netflix個角度好pro Britain,踩Hilter。講Goring好剛愎自用,日日想邀功。Luftwaffe總好能差一點就能夠將Britian鏟平。

